Long Distance Rate Plans

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Long Distance rate plans are designed to manage LD (non-international) usage traffic rates. LD rate plans support a variety of rating types including:

  • Standard (orig term)
  • Class
  • Lata OCN
  • Lata Orig
  • Lata Tier
  • NPANXX Orig
  • NPANXX Orig Plus Term
  • NPANXX Term
  • Tier
  • Tier w/Lata

Additionally, rates for Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands may be defined here if flat rates are desired for calls to those regions.

The LD Rate plan is also the key to tying an Intrastate rate plan and an International plan to a product. Each LD rate plan will point to a specific Instrastate rate plan as well as an International plan. Depending on the Rate Method listed above, additional links to Class rates, NPANXX rates, etc. may be available.

These tools provide access to manage all long distance rate plans for usage based products.

Once a rate plan is setup, it should be tied to a Charge & Plan record and then can be added to a Product.

Security Maintenance Module
Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions View Here

Long Distance Rate Plans Inventory - TBS can support as many long distance rate plans as desired. See the inventory screenshot below.

Long Distance Rate Plan Detail - The long distance rate plan drives a great deal of information in regards to rating long distance calls. This rate plan will control all Long Distance (Toll) rating as well as have areas to define rates for Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, Mexico and the Virgin Islands. Additionally, this rate plan will point to additional rate plans such as Intra state rates, International rates as well as Special rates for Directory Assistance Payphone surcharges, etc.

LD rate plans support a variety of Rate Methods including:

  1. Standard

  2. Class

  3. Lata OCN

  4. Lata Orig

  5. Lata Tier

  6. NPANXX Orig

  7. NPANXX Orig Plus Term

  8. NPANXX Term

  9. Tier

Special Call Rates (a.k.a. Surcharges) - Long Distance Special Call Rates are defined on the LD Rate plan for items that typically incur an additional one-time charge per occurrence. i.e., Directory Assistance, Payphone Surcharge, etc. These types of charges can come through both the Local CDR feed and the Long Distance CDR feed, so it is very important to setup these Special Call Rates on all plans.

Applying the Plan to a Product - Once the plan is created, it can be tied to a Charge & Plan Inventory record and added to a product.

Data Field Definitions

Field Name Definition Notes
Rate Method

LD rate plans support a variety of rating types including:

  • Standard (orig term)
  • Class
  • Lata OCN
  • Lata Orig
  • Lata Tier
  • NPANXX Orig
  • NPANXX Orig Plus Term
  • NPANXX Term
  • Tier
  • Tier w/Lata
Please be sure to work with Precision prior to setting up rate plans. Each Rate Method should be reviewed with the Precision team to ensure that proper rating will occur.
Deactivated Date Date the rate code was deactivated. If populated, only impacts whether the rate appears in the Rate Plan dropdown. Does not deactivate the rate on existing products.
Rate Code Unique rate plan name  
Rate Description Short description of the rate plan.  
Interstate Rate Per minute rate for Interstate calls  
Network to Network Interstate Rate Special rate that can be used for "on network" calling within the customer base. Please be sure to work with Precision prior to using this field.
Outbound Toll Free Rate Per minute rate for calls to 8xx numbers  
Inter Min Indicates the Interstate minimum measure of time used to calculate the duration of each call.  
Inter Add Indicates the Interstate incremental measures of time used to calculate the duration of each call.  
Intra Rate Code
Class Rate Code
LATA OCN Rate Code
LATA Orig Rate Code
LATA Tier Rate Code
Tier Rate Code

Selection list changes based on the Rate Method selected.

Items in the selection list link to supplemental rate plans that correspond with LD plan based on the rate method. I.e., For Rate Method of Class rate, a supplemental listing of all the class rates is available in the selection list.


Intra Min Indicates the Intrastate minimum measure of time used to calculate the duration of each call.  
Intra Add Indicates the Intrastate incremental measures of time used to calculate the duration of each call.  
AK Interstate Interstate rate for calls to Alaska  
HI Interstate Interstate rate for calls to Hawaii  
Canada Rate for all calls to Canada If more granular rating is desired, the Canada rates should be left empty here and should be setup within the International Plans.
Canada Min Incr Indicates the minimum measure of time used to calculate the duration of each call.  
Canada Add Incr Indicates the incremental measures of time used to calculate the duration of each call.  
Mexico Rate for all calls to Mexico If more granular rating is desired, the Mexico rates should be left empty here and should be setup within the International Plans.
Mexico Min Incr Indicates the minimum measure of time used to calculate the duration of each call.  
Mexico Add Incr Indicates the incremental measures of time used to calculate the duration of each call.  
Puerto Rico Rate for all calls to Puerto Rico  
Puerto Rico Min Incr Indicates the minimum measure of time used to calculate the duration of each call. If more granular rating is desired, the Puerto Rico rates should be left empty here and should be setup within the International Plans.
Puerto Rico Add Incr Indicates the incremental measures of time used to calculate the duration of each call.  
Virgin Islands Rate for all calls to Virgin Islands If more granular rating is desired, the VI rates should be left empty here and should be setup within the International Plans.
Virgin Islands Min Incr Indicates the minimum measure of time used to calculate the duration of each call.  
Virgin Islands Add Incr Indicates the incremental measures of time used to calculate the duration of each call.  
International Links to the International Plan that will be applied along with this LD rate plan.  
Exception Code Links to any Exception Codes that are setup.  
Special Rates
Non-US Travel Card Markup Percent for calls placed to International region using a travel card  
International Markup Percent markup applied to international cost passed through in the CDR feed.  
Directory Assistance Special one-time rate for LD Directory Assistance calls  
Payphone Surcharge Special one-time rate for calls from a Payphone  
Short Duration (6s or less) Surcharge Special one-time rate for calls less than 6 seconds Typically used to dedicated accounts.
Toll-Free Database Surcharge Will apply a surcharge for calls made to corresponding toll free product. Duration is not considered.